A digital platform designed by clinicians, for clinicians to help organise and manage their clinical tasks.

Reduce the clinical cognitive burden by harnessing digital innovation with Lister.

We believe all clinicians are entitled to work without frustration, free from any unnecessary cognitive burden. With work related stress being one of the highest reasons why clinicians are leaving the NHS, we strive to become part of a digital health ecosystem to help combat this crisis.

Digitally transform your way of managing clinical tasks

Our values lie in the belief that all clinicians should have more time and tools available to be able to provide their patients with excellent care.

1. Quickly capture clinical tasks

Capture tasks in detail to manage, prioritise and complete.

2. Replace the need for paper lists

Free up your mental capacity and reduce cognitive stress.

3. Your reassurance

End each shift knowing you’re on top of your responsibilities.

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Our Vision

As well as digitising this paper based process, we will robustly capture task list data, the fundamental unit of healthcare, to reveal the ground-truth of hospital care. Our vision is to harness this data for safe workload distribution, resource management, training and staff feedback, and optimising clinical care pathways.



“Unless we have an accessible, quick, and easy-to-use platform, it will be challenging to digitise the task management process. Yet, without this digital solution, missed or delayed tasks due to human error will continue to be inevitable”

Sophie Brooks

Midwife and Co-Founder of Lister

Sophie Brooks

Midwife and Co-Founder of Lister

“We’ve all left the ward only to be hounded by a nagging worry that there’s something we’ve forgotten to do. The current tools we have for clinical task management are failing us and our patients – we need a better approach.”


Doctor and Co-Founder of Lister


Doctor and Co-Founder of Lister

If you’d like to learn more about how Lister can be used at your organisation please get in touch.